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How Ohio’s Divorce Rate Has Changed Over The Last 30 Years

On Behalf of | Nov 10, 2023 | Divorce

People file for divorce or marital dissolution in Ohio every day that the courts are open. People divorce for a variety of different reasons, ranging from discovering a spouse’s infidelity to frustration with the changing dynamic after people grow apart from one another.

Despite people’s best intentions, a significant percentage of all marriages end in divorce rather than in the death of one spouse. The rate of divorce changes from year to year, and divorce rates can vary depending on demographic factors, including age and religion. Location is also a factor in how likely people are to divorce. What do current divorce rates in Ohio show when compared with divorce rates from three decades ago?

Divorce is less common in Ohio now than in the past

Despite how people talk about damage to the institution of marriage in recent years, divorce statistics from across Ohio actually paint a very different picture of the situation. When looking at the number of couples that decide to call it quits, the likelihood of divorce is actually much lower now than it was 30 years ago.

According to Ohio divorce records from 1990, there were 4.7 divorces per 1,000 residents that year. However, in 2021, that number dropped to just 2.6 divorces per 1,000 people. That is a substantial decrease that aligns with divorce statistics reported in many other states. The per capita number of divorces in Ohio dropped by 44.7% in three decades.

Ohio ranks 22nd among all states for the number of divorces that occur. Overall, couples may be more likely to stay married in Ohio than in many other parts of the country and are less likely to divorce now than they were in 1990.

Of course, no one chooses to divorce or stay married simply based on trends. They make choices that prioritize their physical, mental and financial well-being. Understanding divorce trends can help people better analyze their own circumstances and find the strength that they need to make informed decisions about their martial situations.

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