In Ohio, both married parents automatically have rights and responsibilities for their children. However, the law treats unmarried mothers and fathers differently. It is important for unmarried parents to understand these differences so they can protect their rights...
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Family Law
Why someone considering divorce may want a postnuptial agreement
People considering divorce are often open to exploring ways to work on their marriage before committing to a plan of action or inaction. Couples may go to counseling to try to work through their issues or learn new relationship skills. Some people plan extravagant...
Setting spousal support involves intricate set of factors
A divorce court does not always order spousal support when an Ohio couple splits up. Very short marriages often do not include spousal support requirements, for instance.However, when deciding whether an order is appropriate, many factors, beyond the parties' assets...
What is Cash Medical Support in Ohio?
When parents are parties to a divorce or other legal action involving a minor child, a court will issue an order regarding the cost to cover health insurance for the minor child. Depending on the circumstances of the parents, a court can order the mother, the father...
How Does the Court Handle Dividing a Business During a Divorce?
Many people today own or are co-owners of businesses. If you are in the middle of a divorce, the fate of your business may be in limbo until the divorce is resolved. Fortunately, state law and established legal precedent may make it easier to determine what will...
How Can I Find Out if My Spouse is Hiding Assets?
Spouses often take an oath to stay married "for richer or poorer." But when faced with divorce, this promise can take a dramatic turn, leaving one spouse poverty stricken due to a cutoff of finances. Finding out where your marital assets are held can be an arduous...
Why Hire a Law Firm Dedicated to Family Law?
Domestic relations matters are among the most stressful of all legal issues. Choosing the right attorney can make all the difference. There are many factors that play into a case that deals with family matters. These cases can delve into such complex issues as...
When can a Child Support Order be Modified in the State of Ohio?
Sometimes after a child support order has been issued, the circumstances of either of the parents will have changed in such a substantial way that a modification to the child support order may be warranted. A parent who is seeking such a modification may do so either...
The Advantages of Hiring a Lawyer for a Dissolution or Uncontested Divorce
Divorces are rarely easy, but people are increasingly finding out how to make the process as amicable as possible. As a result, many people choose to forgo hiring a lawyer and represent themselves in the termination of their marriage. However, choosing to forgo legal...
Can I Divorce My Spouse If He or She Won’t Sign the Paperwork?
Considering how emotional the end of a marriage can be, sometimes one spouse will resist the idea of divorce from the very beginning. They may do this in hopes of salvaging the marriage or simply to be combative. They might beg for a second chance, or suggest marital...